YMCA, Not just a song!

Who knew that silly song was based on a really cool business?

I only ever thought of the YMCA as a fun song. But it’s a legit thing! And it’s a diamond in the rough for families! It’s very affordable, packed with family things to do, faith-oriented offers child care, and is all over the nation!

Excellent gym equipment that is hardly used.

We first discovered the ‘Y’ in Florida while we were looking for nearby gyms to attend. The gyms vary in size, condition, and attendance; however, the gyms are packed full of new equipment that goes relatively unused. In fact, in our first visit to the YMCA in Fort Walton, Sadie and I had the entire place to ourselves! Nearly all the gyms offer full weight gyms, all types of gym machines, rec rooms, indoor and outdoor pools (sometimes with waterslides).

The Y is the most inexpensive option for ‘fit’ families.

The YMCA offers several subscription options to fit all types. You can sign up as an individual to a specific ‘Y,’ OR you can sign up as a family and get everyone in. For a guy with five kids, this is ideal. The cost was only $65/mo to get all 7 of us in. That same number at a regular gym would cost $200+/mo. What’s more, for an extra $5, you can get a nationwide subscription which allows you access to ANY YMCA in the country. Since our family travels, we went that route and LOVE IT.

Child Care Available!

Did you know that most YMCA’s have child care included? Literally you can take your family to the gym to work out and drop the little ones off to play with other kids in a kid-designated room (and it’s packed with cool stuff). My wife’s biggest hurdle in her fitness routine, is what to do with the kids while we work out, and this solves it beautifully.

We’re currently in the Fort Worth area, where there are like 12 different Y’s available. So I encourage people to search and look around to see if one of the YMCA’s is nearby and try it. They do give out a seven-day trial pass!


1 thought on “YMCA, Not just a song!”

  1. My four kids all went to an awesome YMCA preschool program here in Colorado Springs. It was an amazing program – two mornings/week for three year olds, three mornings/week for four year olds. Shout-out to Lona Ladrow, the first teacher every parent hopes their kids have!

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