Ok so I didn’t do any writing this week because we have been so busy. I can’t wait to share some of the things that have been going on!
So first up, our church family here in Davenport has completely adopted us as one of their own. We have spent time with them at a church picnic (last saturday) and a few other ways. Saturday was so fun! My new friend Deb showed me around her Florida gardens and I was astounded at the plants you can grow here. It was so fun to be with everyone. We laughed and made memories.
We also got to meet a sweet family who just had twin babies. They told us their story and I was so blessed. In fact, they asked us to come to church early to help them with their sweet little ones during worship. YES!

Aaron and I were able to sneak away on saturday after the church picnic. We stopped at a few places and enjoyed each other’s company. We also got to pray over a few people and share Jesus with them. Nothing energizes us more than sharing Christ with others.
Sunday morning came and we snuggled those babies fiercely. I literally cried because I was so overwhelmed at the simple and satisfying effort of helping in this way. Lots of baby smooches. Aaron even got to sneak some tiny kisses in there.
Tuesday we took the day off and headed out to Clear water beach. Let me be the first to say: I hate dirt. I’m not crazy about beach life. Yet I find myself overjoyed about going to the ocean. The sand doesn’t bother me a bit. In fact, we had an incredible time. After we were at the beach for about 45 minutes, we met a couple who we spent the entire day with. They were ex-body builders and had a huge and interesting story to tell. We were their listening ear and gave Jesus all the glory.
They invited us over to their condo and we spent the evening laughing, swimming in their pool, and enjoying their company. IT was a late night getting back to our place (like 11pm!), but it was worth every second. We may have a couple burned faces, but it was so fun!
Wednesday we had the opportunity to visit a sweet couple (heidi and Brad) from the church here. THey had us over for dinner and games. Boy we enjoyed their company and have a new favorite game! Such a blessing.
We were aslo able to spend time with a new family Sarah and Matt, Jennifer and Ruscland and a few others. Many walks and laughter, prayers and swimming. This was the fullest week since we’ve been down here, and I couldn’t be more content. Although we are tired, God is using us to bring joy, enjoy simple things and make new relationships.
In further news, we have also started the process of getting our passports prepared for our trip next year. In March 2022, we plan on spending a month or so in Guatamala withour missionary network and working for the kingdom there. Please pray for us as we prepare for this journey. I can’t believe it’s really going to happen! It seems like a dream!
We are also getting prepared to leave Davenport on the 15th. Although it started off as a ‘less than desirable place initially, we have grown to love the weather, the church community, the locals, and even the tourists. God has begun to give us a boldness that we have never experienced, and new ways to share his love. Each day I find myself thanking him for the crazy opportunities he has given us here. What began as something that felt ‘off’ turned into something beautiful. I’m so thankful that God brought us to this place.
Also in news is Miranda’s 17th birthday on the 14th! We plan on doing her favorite (sushi dinner) on the night before we leave Davenport. Instead of a birthday gift to unwrap this year, Miranda has asked to take a trip, on her own, to Michigan to see friends in July. We are excited to help her make this journey and teach her new skills of traveling. It’s kind of a nervous thing for us, but it’s 100% the right thing to do for her. 🙂 If you’ll be in Gaylord around big-ticket, you might get to squeeze her!
I feel like this entire season is incredibly full of opportunity, abundant in grace, packed with learning, and experiences are waiting to happen. Thanking him for each step of the way.
8 thoughts on “Davenport has blessed us!”
This is so cool to see you traveling with your family and having such wonderful experiences! Thanks for sharing! I miss your face❤️
Jenni Marks
Miss you too!
I’am “sew” blessed by being able to be part of this experience along with your family! I wondered as I seen all of the pictures…Did you make all of your family’s clothes…lol? You all are beaming with the Lord’s love just flowing from you!
Oh gosh I didn’t make our clothes. Haha! New season of buying all the things 🙂
Thank you so much for the updates! May He go before you on your adventurous journey! Happy Birthday Miranda!! Love and miss you guys!
Hugs🥰❤️Love✌️ Peace & Prayers🙏
Love hearing all the updates! Your family is such a blessing and everywhere you go, you bless the people along the way! GFF certainly misses you but we know God’s plan is so much bigger! Happy birthday to Miranda, (tag-you’re it!) lol Safe travels for all of you but especially for her to come to Michigan. Prayers from all of us to all of you!
Rhonda and Spencer Payne
Love reading these! Love you guys and think of you all the time! Can’t wait to see Miranda!