Famous Civil War General: Interesting facts about some famous generals from the civil war period

This article is based on the civil war. This war was won by common soldiers, but most importantly smart generals. The soldiers took commands from these generals, trusting in their ability to win the war. Many failed, but others have succeeded in their duties. I am going to name a few of them to give you a good idea of the men who lead us in the time of war. 

Robert E. Lee: Robert E. Lee was an amazing general. He was a Confederate soldier, having graduated as second in his class at West-point university. He was smart, this leading him to become the general of the Northern Virginia army in 1862. He assumed command and kept that position throughout the rest of the war. He won some major battles, one of the most famous is the battle of Bull Run, another the bloody battle of Chancellorsville. He went up north to invade, but only to be defeated by General George Mead, who had come to command just some days before. At this battle, he lost many men in futile. He lost many men, acting on impulse and rage that it was not going as he had planned it to be. This was one of the greatest downfalls in his career, leading to his realization that they were going to lose the war. This battle raged only for a few days, realizing after he had lost many men, he sent another of his officers by the name of George Pickett to attack once again. Robert E. Lee thought they had lost too much already. He lost more than seven thousand men that day. At the end of all of it, he regretted ever going into military training. Not long after he surrendered to Ulysses Grant on April 9th, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia. 

Ulysses Grant: Ulysess Grant was the most known general of the Union. He was the man to make Robert E. Lee, the most famous general of the Confederate army surrender, even though Robert E. Lee would never admit defeat beforehand. He was not known for his gentlemanly appearance, moreover, he was a rumbled, smelly, short man. He was short, rumbled-looking in mud-stained uniforms. He would hold himself slouchily, reeking of cigar smoke. He was known to smoke twenty cigars a day. But all the same was a shy, humble man. He wouldn’t bathe without being inside a tent by himself. He was known for his resourcefulness and his tactics. After he and his men won the war, he was asked to become president, President Lincoln having died before. He accepted, becoming the first president who had graduated from West-point, which is a military university. He was known for his skill in the military and his tactics of war. He fought many major battles, thus winning him a high reputation. He then became president, against segregation and led the people during the reconstruction of the South. 

Stonewall Jackson: Stonewall Jackson was born in Virginia and was raised there. He was a great Confederate General, most trusted by Robert E. Lee. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall stuck together through the fray. They were the best of friends, their personalities working together in harmony. Stonewall was deeply religious, with a fierce fighting spirit. He was known for his courage in battle, winning him the name ‘Stonewall’ Jackson. He was a man of surprise attacks, keeping his plans in secrecy even from his most trusted staff. He didn’t tell them the plan until they were about to attack. Stonewall fought at many major battles such as the first and second battle of Bull Run, the battle of Chancellorsville, and the Battle of Fredericksburg. After a major victory against the north, he came riding back only to be accidentally shot by his own men. Twice in his left arm and once in his right hand. His arm was amputated successfully but only to die of blood loss a week later. He was known for his fierce determination and for his courage in times of battle, leading with the courage of a hundred men.

William Sherman: William Sherman was a Union General, born in Ohio. He was a man of a fierce personality. He is most known for his bloody march towards the sea from Atlanta to Georgia. He then went to West-point, getting a degree in the military district. He then was stationed in northern California on the verge of the Gold Rush. He didn’t like the bustling city of San Francisco, starting a bank that never set off. He then went home, only to be called into service after another General was recalled. He then was bashed for his military strategies and was sent home. He went home and was once again called into service beside Ulysses Grant, who was to form a bond with Sherman. Sherman called for two hundred thousand men, which then was ridiculed by the press. He was recalled, coming home to depression and a nervous breakdown. He then went back into service with Ulysses and became his best partner. He would give logical advice when Ulysses was not sober (Having had too much drink). He was trusted and helped win the war alongside Ulysses. He fought in major battles such as Atlanta, The battle of Chattanooga, and the Vicksburg campaign. His march to the sea helped to end the war, ending the bloody civil war not long after. 

Braxton Bragg: Braxton Bragg was born into a humble family in North Carolina. His father was a contractor, while his mother lived at home. His mother was not mentioned by him often, she having killed a freed slave. He was raised, his brother who was working in law got him into West-point. He was fifth in class out of fifty candidates, getting himself a degree. He was a Confederate General, coming into service after General Johnson died at the battle of Shiloh. He then became a great general, leading his men with courage and wisdom. He was an amazing military tactic man, getting himself into position as a military advisor to President Jefferson Davis. He was known for his bravery and for his well-drilled troops. He was rarely loved by his men because he was a harsh discipliner, but his troops were known as the best drilled Confederate army. He fought at many battles, such as The battle of Chickamauga, The battle of Shiloh, and others. He won confidence among the Confederate troops. At the battle of Stones River, he was hard-pressed, retreating his army to Knoxville. He was disliked by his troops, then called for his replacement. Later on in the war at the battle of Bentonville, he was captured by Union forces and was paroled thereafter. His plantation in Louisiana was taken by the Union, he struggled financially. He had a wife and a family, he was hard-pressed. He then became Superintendent of the New Orleans Waterworks then became an engineer in Alabama. He then moved to Texas and later died at the age of 59. 

George McClellan: George McClellan was a Union General, known for his careful tactics. He didn’t rush headlong into things, most especially attacks on the Confederates. He was careful over how he fought an army, watching carefully their every move. He didn’t move his troops until he was absolutely sure his plan would work. This made President Lincoln unhappy with him, wanting him to be ready to attack impulse like his many other generals. President Lincoln dismissed him, sending him home. George McClellan was born in Pennsylvania, being raised in an ample family. He was then accepted into West-point, even though he was below the age requirement of sixteen. He graduated second in his class, getting a degree. He then was an engineer for a railroad company, becoming the president of the Missouri Railroad company. He was then accepted into the army, becoming a chief general. He was then dismissed after not allowing a mass attack on a Confederate army, fearing they had a larger number than they thought. He then came back into chief general after having won the second battle of Bull Run. He was called to defense in Washington. He then was sent to fight at the battle of Antietam, he sent two-thirds of his army after Lee, keeping the other third back. Lee was allowed to escape, Lincoln becoming furious. He removed McClellan from his command in office. 

I hope you enjoyed this article! I hope that you got some new interesting information and that it was informative. Did it help you to understand the Civil war a little better? Maybe you now understand the generals a little better. Whatever you take from this article, I hope that it gave you some helpful insight into how the civil war was fought. Thanks for reading! -Sadie


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