sadie getting hair done

Preparing to leave

Want to know what it was like leading up to our leaving Michigan? This is the post to describe it. Join us on our journey.

we started preparing to leave Michigan in February. Each day we worked on some project or cleaned out a closet. However, once the final 2 weeks came, we dedicated our time to spending time with family and friends. Here are some highlights of the last two weeks before we left.

We had a fantastic time with a pizza and praise night at our church. Quite a few people came, and we had so much fun spending time with friends. Here’s Elijah and Aaron practicing their guitar skills.

As soon as it was warm enough to go outside, we went for walks and played outdoors. We wanted to soak up as much time at our Michigan home as we could!

In the midst of it all, we still did school! Although we started working out of totes instead of shelves.

The kids and Elizabeth went down to see the Stokes. These friends are going to miss each other.

We also had to fit some dates in before we left Michigan. 🙂 We figured it might be harder to find alone time once we leave the grandparents.

Aaron FINALLY agreed to build a firepit when a potential guest asked us. The kids were beyond excited! This worked out perfectly in our pool area (idea curtesy Michelle Stokes). Just had to have some stones delivered and Boom! Fancy firepit.

Once we had the firepit ready, it turned out to be Aaron’s birthday week. We used the excuse to get together with family and friends for a massive bonfire and party. Tons of teenagers and lots of laughs.

Another thing that happened before we left, was God led us to sell our business, Mamma Can Do It. This was the sewing pattern business that we’ve owned since 2009. The buyer was super fun and is excited to have a business of her own. Here, Aaron and I are on a meeting with her.

Selling Miranda’s car turned out to be quite the challenge. After a month of praying, we finally realized that Miranda hadn’t asked God to sell it for her. Two days later, God sold our car – sight unseen, with CASH! We are incredibly thankful and it was great to see Miranda’s faith grow.

Once it warmed up, we took our van for a test drive with our new trailer. It pulls like a dream! It’s pretty tiny (only 4’x6′), but it fits our luggage very securely.

Our friend Natalie wanted to put on a homeschool dance before we left, and she planned the entire thing! I was so thankful that she helped our older kiddos have some chances to spend time with their friends. Miranda and Sadie got to get their hair done by Beth Smith. It was a super fun experience.

A few ladies came over to get ready together before the dance.

So many homeschoolers showed up and everyone was incredibly thankful for the opportunity to see each other.

Days before we left, Elizabeth busted a bench leg. Our friends gave them new life! If the house falls down while we are gone, the benches will still be standing!

Getting ready for our trip was definitely challenging in the packing department. Instead of waiting until the last minute, we started packing about a week before we left. These are HUGE totes that we got from Walmart. All of our stuff fits! They have wheels and aren’t too bad to carry. However, since we’ve traveled with them once, we might decide to downsize a little. they are SOOOO heavy.

The main reason we waited to leave Michigan until May, is because Aaron’s Parents had their 40th wedding anniversary. It was a surprise party in Mio and we had a blast with family. The kids played all day and we celebrated our parents.

The party was on Saturday, we packed all day on Sunday and we left Monday morning. Stay tuned for the trip details 🙂 We traveled for 3 days and it was incredible. We left 35 degrees and entered 96 degrees. More to come…..


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