Frequent Questions

Frequent Questions

What’s happening with our Michigan Home?

We are renting it to short-term renters (Airbnb & VRBO style). So far we have quite a few dates reserved, but we welcome any referrals if you have them. We have a marvelous cleaning team and family/friends who are helping us with it. You know who you are and we appreciate you!

Please pray that our home will continue to be rented by kind people to help cover expenses.

Are we part of a missionary group?

Yes! We have partnered with Independent Missionary Network and they are helping us work out details and kinks. They help us to stay connected with other missionaries and a plethora of opportunities. They don’t “send” us, but go “with” us. This is awesome as we are following Christ’s direction across the country.
You can view the ministry network site here:

Are we working?

Yep. We are basically relocating our home office when we go from place to place. This allows us to continue to keep up with Singler Design and to homeschool our kiddos. Traveling like this is pretty expensive but God is providing in his own ways. So if you know anyone who needs a website, tell them you ‘know-a-guy’ 😉

How often will we be sending emails?

No idea. I was hoping to send them once per month. But I foresee it would make the most sense when we go to new destinations….which would be about every 5-6 weeks. 

Are we on social media?

Not really. We have been pretty disconnected, so don’t expect us to post much on there about our trip. We have started a blog, and we’d like to think we will keep up on it (crossing our fingers). Pics and info will mostly be on our newsletter and blog. Our plan is to keep people updated on where we are, school progress, pictures, ministry opportunities, and testimonies. We’ll probably also talk about all kinds of things while traveling and tips for families who want to do their own missionary journey.

How long will we be gone?

At this point, we are aiming for about 15 months. This puts our homecoming about August 2022. At the moment we have scheduled locations through March 2022. We don’t know what direction God is going to want us to go past August, so we are going to wait and listen for his guidance. We will update you all when we know ourselves.

Ways You Can Help

By Prayer

Please cover us in prayer. Some specific things to pray for are:
For open hearts to receive Jesus
Our home to be rented consistently
Safety as we travel
Ability to listen and hear God’s leading

By Hosting Us

We are traveling from location to location every 6 weeks. We would love the opportunity to visit and love on families around the country between destinations. It is difficult to find hotels that fit us all so we would love to stay in Christian homes while traveling.

By Giving

We will continue to fund everything we can toward this ministry, and we’d love for you to come along side of us. We can accomplish more together.
Two Are Better Than One, For If Either Of Them Falls, One Can Help The Other Up’
– Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
If you’d like to bless this ministry financially, you can give a tax-deductible donation here: