About Us

You don’t realize how hard it is to describe your family until you are forced to write it down. However, we’ll try our best!

About Us

You don’t realize how hard it is to describe your family until you are forced to write it down. However, we’ll try our best!

God, Family, & Country …And probably a few other things 🙂

We are a Jesus-loving family who seeks to honor God in all that we do and have a blast doing it. We love and protect our family. Not just our own, but also our church family. And thirdly, we are patriots who love America and all she stands for. We believe God is not done with America and some of its greatest days are just ahead. 

With a family of 7, life is never dull for us. And we are very thankful for that. We drink chaos with our coffee, decorate in messy, and we are real with people. 

Aaron Singler

Aaron & Elizabeth

Elizabeth and I were saved and baptized at very young ages. We were both raised by Godly families and thank our parents for that. As teenagers, we led worship in our hometown, and as adults, we also serve in this way. Not to brag, but if you have never heard my wife sing, you are really missing out.  I’ve always been by her side either behind a guitar or set of drums. 

Throughout the years we have helped in children’s ministries, church security, worship ministries, bible studies, life groups, and many other ministry opportunities.

In our early adult years, we recommitted our lives to Jesus and started taking God seriously. From that point, our life has taken a new trajectory and a growing desire to share the Gospel of Jesus with others. 

Kids section coming soon...

  • May 3
    Leaving Gaylord, MI
  • May 5-June 15
    Davenport, Fl
  • June 17-July 21
    Fort Myers, Fl
  • July 23 - Aug 1
    Memphis, Tn
  • Aug 1 - Sept 15
    Navarre, Fl
  • Sept 16 -October 3
    Fort Worth, Tx
  • Oct 4-Nov 10
    Scottsdale, AZ
  • Nov 21 - Dec 26
    Gaylord, MI
  • Dec 30 - Mar 15 2022
    Navarre Fl

If you'd like to support us in this ministry, please use the link below.

Mission Field: America

On a Florida ‘work-cation’ in 2021, we discovered the love for travel, and more importantly, we found an opportunity for us to spread the gospel and encourage other believers. While there, God gave us the crazy idea of traveling across America reaching people and families as they vacationed.

During our 6 week trip, God showed us that people have a unique ‘open-ness when they are on vacation. We should use that opportunity to relate and minister to them. So we did. We prayed with people, saved and un-saved, encouraged other believers, told others about Jesus, and built real relationships with real people. Yes, it’s a bit messy, but it’s amazing 🙂

While there, one of our young daughters brought this verse to our attention, “Without oxen, a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.” – Proverbs 14:5. Kind of an odd verse for an 8-year-old to point out. We realized God was telling us that if we wanted to see a harvest of people, we needed to get with people and all the mess that comes with that.

After we got back to Michigan, we felt God wanted us to continue this ministry. So, with much prayer and God’s direction in each step, we got rid of most of our possessions, put our home in Michigan for rent, sold all but one vehicle, purchased a small luggage trailer, and started to reserve rentals where God led us in beach and vacation locations.

Now, many of you may raise an eyebrow to labeling ‘vacation locations’ as ministry fields. Actually, our family had our own internal debate on this very thing. We found our answer in Romans 10:14:

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”

All people, of every class, background, and location need to hear about forgiveness through Jesus. Yes, even wealthy, vacationing people.

God reminded us that this will not be an easy task. “In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” – Mark 10:25. This freaked Jesus listeners out. They asked, “Then who in the world can be saved?”. And thankfully Jesus replied, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Mark 10:27.

What about school you say? Well, we home-school our children. What about money? My wife and I work remotely building websites for companies. Actually, my wife sells, I build. Call it digital ‘tent-making’ 😉

God is using our entire family; including each of our young children (they are the best little ‘ice-breakers’), to reach people and families during these windows of ‘open-ness’. The people at the destinations God leads us to are looking for a bit of peace- a perfect time to introduce them to the source of peace, Jesus! We never thought of America as a ‘mission field’ prior to this, but it most certainly is.

It is definitely challenging to leave everything and everyone you know to start a new lifestyle with a large family. Our emotions are high as we will be missing our friends and family back home. However, God constantly reminds us of His leading and faithfulness to provide as He calls us into adventure with Him.